Join Elizabeth Gibbons and Trish O’Malley beneath the VEIL of WONDER in sacred red thread circle for vision quest, intentional creativity and sparklicious inquiry into the symbols and archetypes of the TAROT. In the “alchemical laboratory” at the Palace of the Soul’s Divine School of Glitteracy, revolutionize your life by participating in a transformative evening that is magical, juicy, fun and filled with wonder and cosmic stardust!(did you say glitter?!!!!)
Divine Alchemy Evening at the Palace of the Soul
This month we will be exploring the archetype of
“The LOVERS” card
This month we will be exploring the archetype of “The LOVERS”. This card correlates with the Sun Sign Gemini. The LOVERS will lead us on a journey of integration,luminous revelations and the union of our “polarities”. You will be coloring your own TAROT card designed by Elizabeth (jumbo size-9″ X 12″) using Intentional Creativity methods and delicious and delightful materials! (yes there will be sparkle and cosmic glitter!!!)
This is about coming into full resonance with your soul, finding the “middle” ground even in the midst of the polarities that pull you to the extremes. This is the first step towards living your life from your “genius-point”. When we bring opposing forces together within ourselves in a way that is balanced and harmonious, when we can “see” a solution that brings together two options, two directions, two people or two situations, to create a greater whole, then we have embraced the archetype of the Lovers.
“The Lovers card is the basic principle that is associated with expressing and extending the art and craft of relating in all our relationships.” from Angeles Arrien “The Tarot Handbook”.
During this evening you will
* Learn to live from your genius-point
* Learn the 4 qualities and the 6 steps that are necessary for success in any relationship.
* Learn a daily practice that will add juiciness and more love into all your interactions and relationships
* Learn tantric practices including energetic and psychic “pole-dancing”
* Connect with other magical beings in a safe and fabulously mythic environment!!!!
* Ignite your CREATIVE Soul-Fire in a way that will illuminate new possibilities for JOY and FUN in your life!!
Elizabeth will be sharing her theories on “pole-dancing” as well as guiding you in the magic of Intentional Creativity (sparkle dust and glitter grit). Trish will be sharing her vast wisdom on the topic of “The Lovers” and she just got married so don’t be surprised if there are be some great revelations of undulating and mythic adventures.
Friday June 5 from 7 p.m. to 10:00 p.m
This evening is open to women and to men with an open heart and a spirit of creative adventure!!
No previous art experience needed. All skill levels are welcome!
All materials, yummy snacks and one beverage (wine or alternative) included in the price.
You will have the opportunity to explore Elizabeth’s extensive collection of TAROT cards and Visionary ART up close and personal!
Sounds wonderful, Elizabeth!
I will endeavor with all my hear to be there!
May 29, 2015 at 8:47 pm